Friday, December 26, 2014

December 2014 Astrology Forecast with Jeff Jawer and Rick Levine

12/26/14—Concentrating on the mundane world can be nearly impossible today as we are enchanted by our fantasies. The imaginative Pisces Moon joins up with Neptune the Dreamer to cast a surrealistic tint on the whole day. Romantic Venus and the radiant Sun align with Neptune to confuse us even further. We want to believe in our illusions now; however rational Mercury forms an anxious aspect to Saturn the Tester, confronting us with the hard, cold facts.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

No charges for Milwaukee cop who shot mentally ill man 14 times. Is that OK? | TOK discussion

No charges for Milwaukee cop who shot mentally ill man 14 times. Is that OK? | TOK discussion

Thank you for registering for our complimentary panel discussion, "The Future of Texas" featuring Lt. Governor Elect Dan Patrick, Attorney General-Elect Ken Paxton, Comptroller-Elect Glenn Hegar, and Agriculture Commissioner-Elect Sid Miller. This truly special gathering is completely free to you! You do not need to be registered for Policy Orientation to attend however, if you would like to see our agenda and register, please log on to

Quickly, here are the details for the free event...

WHEN: Thursday evening, January 8, 2015
TIME: 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm
WHERE: Sheraton Austin Hotel at the Capitol located at 701 E. 11th St. Austin, TX 78701
PARKING: Valet parking is discounted to $10 for our event

Looking forward to seeing you! Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Mike Joyce
Director of Events
Texas Public Policy Foundation

Submitted on Tue, 2014/12/23 - 1:43pm
Submitted by user:
Submitted values are:

First Name: James
Last Name: Partsch-Galvan
Occupation: Mayor of Houston
Phone: 713.528.2607

Sunday, December 21, 2014

77% of Americans believe in angels. Do you? | TOK discussion

77% of Americans believe in angels. Do you? | TOK discussion

Enrique Tierno Galván (Madrid, 8 February 1918 – Madrid, 19 January 1986) was a Spanish politician, professor, lawyer and essayist, best known for being the Mayor of Madrid from 1979 to 1986, at the beginning of the new period of Spanish democracy. His time as Mayor of Madrid was marked by the development of Madrid both administratively and socially, and the cultural movement known as the Movida madrileña.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Priests use sermons to tell children there's no Santa Claus - is that OK? | TOK discussion

Priests use sermons to tell children there's no Santa Claus - is that OK? | TOK discussion

Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state. - Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 13

Recent events involving policy brutality of unarmed Black citizens have illuminated a great deal for us as a nation.  How are we to respond to this horrific pattern, seemingly without end?  I have been grappling with this personally, just as we are wrestling with our response as a nation and here at the Rothko Chapel.  What is our role at a time like this?  What are we poised to do?  In the face of so much grief and injustice, how do we respond?

Fundamentally, I have come to understand the Chapel is a place of incubation.  85,000 people will come through its doors this year to be enveloped by Mark Rothko's paintings and experience the unique silence the Chapel engenders.  It is a chrysalis of sorts, a place where people can be with their own thoughts and emotions, and let go of doing for a few moments.  It seems to be serving this purpose right now, amidst the confusion and chaos that has ensued. 
The image above of the Chapel's guest book certainly attests to that. 

In that spirit, I invite you to join us for four special programs this month:
  • New Year's Day Crystal Bowl Meditation, Thursday, January 1 at 12pm.
  • Black Lives Matter, Wednesday, January 7th at 7pm contemplation and dialogue.  
  • Songs of Freedom, Thursday January 15th at 7pm featuring Rutha Mae Harris, one of the original Freedom Singers.
  • Martin Luther King Day, Monday January 19th audio installation.
I hope to see you at the Chapel soon.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Moses and Monotheism - The Catholic ThingThe Catholic Thing

Moses and Monotheism - The Catholic ThingThe Catholic Thing

(MUST READ )ordinary jew are subject to abuse by Zionist Jews! To our Masters! the only Victims of human history Jews and Zionist Jews.(ashkinazi jews)..
....many reasons for each of all these bloody events ...
... just past 200 years , some facts...with Crypto Jews and collaborators ...
some of superior race chosen people Jewish / Zionist Jews Kriminal activities ...
1. Rothschild Jews behind Jac...kson's assassination 1835, I killed the bank said Andrew Jackson.
2. Rothschild Jews behind Abraham Lincoln assassination 1865, he wanted to have US print money not by Rothschilds ...
3. Zionist Jews behind sinking of Titanic ...6,000,000 death
4. Zionist Rothschilds Jews behind 1913 Federal Reserve Bank (F.R.B) creation...
5. Zionist Jews Behind WWI 1914 6,000,000 death
6. Zionist Jew Carl Marx and poisonous childish Ideology of Communist or Marxist
7. Zionist Jew behind Communist Revolution in Russia , all Romanov family was massacred by Zionist Jew Rabi!
8. ... Stalin or Yusef {"Ju"Kashvili} son of jew! most top men in Communist USSR were Jews killing Russians +_ 20,000,000 not 6,000,000
9. Zionist Jew Rosa Luxemburg founder of poisonous ideology of Feminism
10. Zionist Jew Edward Bernays behind fooling American and the world women to smoke cigarette in the name of freedom of women causing 6,000,000 death
11. Zionist Jews behind F.R.B 1929 Big depression in USA...600,000,000 death in USA and 600,000,000 in world
12. Zionist Jews behind making of Hitler the Jew ...
13. Zionist Jew behind "Genocide idea of Germans"! Germany Must Perish! - Theodore Kaufman"
14. Theodor Herzl jew behind creation of deadly ideology of Protocol of Zion...
15. Zionist Jews behind WWII 1939 ... 6,000,000 x 100
16. Zionist Jews behind Pearl Harbor 1941... 6,000,000 death
17. Zionist Jews behind massacred of of Jews (for MOLOCH) +_500,000, sorry 60,000,000! one of the reason was creation of Israel...
18. Zionist Jews created Israel 1948 ...
19. 1948 The beginning of Massacred of Palestinian and turmoil in Middle East / North Africa and all stupid Muslim countries...involving terrorists like Moshe Dayan, Izhak Robin, Arial Sharon ... 6,000,000 death
20. Zionist Jews behind " Mao " and communist China ... after Russia another ancient Morachy regime ended!...6000,000,000 death
21. Zionist Jews behind 1953 Iran Shah and Mosadegh(who could easily hand over Iran to USSR which Zionists Jew Bankers, Oil cartels, Weapon ... did not want that happen ...!?
22. Zionist Jews behind (Edward Bernays) Banana Republic 1957...6,000,000 death
23. Zionist Jews control of Hollywood ,Media...
24. Zionist Jews (Rothschilds...) behind Kennedy's assassination 1963 ...
25. Zionist Jews behind Vietnam war...Kissinger Zionist Jew ... 6,000,000 death
26. Zionist Jew Daniel Cohn-Bendit a german Jew behind demise of General De-Gaul 1968...!?
27. Zionist Jews owning money printing company F.R.B from 1913 till now ... a privately owned...
28. Franklin De Roosevlet a Crypto Jew (Holland)ordering Americans to surrender all their GOLD to USA government!!! Fort Knox, Gold Finger, ( where are all those GOLD...?)
29. Zionist Jews owning Diamond and Gold mines ... Blood Diamond ....
30. Zionist Jews behind 1973 Chili ... 6,000,000 death and 6,000,000 handicap
31. Zionist Jews behind assassination of king Faisal in Saudi Arabia 1975...
32. Zionist Jews behind assassination Bhutto 1978 ...
33. Zionist Jews behind Zionist Islamic Revolution in Iran 1979 and political assassination of Great SHAH by making him seek ...6,000,000 execution torture prison rapes, 6,000,000 escaping from Iran
34. Zionist Jews behind 8 years of Iran / Iraq war , 6,000,000 death, 6,000,000 handicaps
35. Zionist Jews behind USSR fall ...
36. Zionist Jews behind Lebanon war...6,000,000 death
37. Zionist Jews behind Destruction of Afghanistan 1979 creating " Taalebaan " 6,000,000 death
38. Jews running slave trade in USA / Black ...and 6,000,000 , 6,000,000 massacred of Native American
39. Zionist Jews behind making of Rosa Parker in bus...
40. Zionist Jews behind creation of Amnesty International and Human Rights org.!?...
41. Zionist Jews behind Iraq / Kuwait war... 6,000,000 death
42. Zionist Jews behind Clinton scandal 1998 Blew Job done by a Zionist Jew woman 6,000,000 blow Job given...
43. Zionist Jew Bernard Madoff behind 60 billions financial fraud...
44. Zionist Jews behind 2008 financial crash in USA ... 6,000,000 death
45. Zionist Jew Dominique Strauss-Kahn scandal in USA / head of International monetary Found IMF ...!
46. Zionist Jews behind Obama's coming to power and most president in USA ,France ...
47. Zionist Jews behind creation of Ekhvan Al-Muslemins , Hezbollah , Daaesh, ISIS, Hamas...
48. Zionist Jew Nikolai SarGozy in France
49. Zionist Jew Laurent Fabius ( Dauis )... Netanyahou ( Yetanyabou )
50. Zionist Jew Bernard Henry Levi behind mess in Libya Ukraine death of Gaddafi... 6,000,000 death by the Great Super Ultra Filosofer of France like Carl Marx the Jew ...
51. American French British German ... politicians post are run by Zionist Jews a minority !?...
52. Zionist Jew Mark Rich Death dealer / Weapon dealer in Iran / Iraq war ... Millions dead... handicap mentally physically rapes pedophile tortures executions prison, $ 6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0000,000,000,000 ... spend for destruction of Iran Iraq ...
53. Zionist Jews behind 911 USA 2001(6,000,000 death) London , Spain Bombing by the stupid Muslims directed by Crypto Jews , a pretext to attack Iraq and Afghanistan ...
54. Zionist Jew Alberto Einstein the super scientist(!) absolute silence about Palestinians massacred by Zionist jews friends and relatives ( BRAVO ) ...!? 6,000,000 Japanese death
list is endless and longer than one can imagine ...
well what doe expect from chosen people angainst Goyims , Jes goyims better perish

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Shiva - Amerika wake up, wake up Amerika!!!

The former vice president refused to call the enhanced interrogation techniques detailed in last week's Senate Intelligence Committee report on the CIA's brutal handling of prisoners "torture."
Motherfuckers are no longer accepting comments on this article about George W. Bush ! Here is the link to the story!  Try to leave your comment about that White-Trash Protestant Piece-of-Shit Coward from Crawford who should have been arrested a long time ago for Crimes Against Humanity. He's a faggot that is afraid to go to Geneva, Switzerland because his bitch ass is going to be arrested for his part in the torture of Americans and others ! Fuck the BuI卐heI卐 and all his god-damn fucking evil and corrupt family who came down here to Houston and Texas and brought all their demonic infestations to Houston and TEXAS.

The time has come to galvanize

Monday, December 1, 2014

Shiva - Amerika wake up, wake up Amerika!!!

  卐atanyahu God-Damn Fucking 卐etanyahu and his god-damn fucking 卐ionist Terrori卐t Jewi卐h Pig卐 and all his 卐atani卐t 卐upporter卐 in the U卐A

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Robots in Healthcare Could Help Slow Spread of Ebola | Wall Street Daily

Robots in Healthcare Could Help Slow Spread of Ebola | Wall Street Daily

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Diwali (also known as Deepavali, Dipavali, Dewali, Deepawali or the Festival of Lights) marks the beginning of the Hindu New Year. It is celebrated on the 15th day of Kartika (October/November) in the Hindu calendar.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Where have all the Flower Power Protesters Gone?

Where have all the Flower Power Protesters Gone?

The FBI crime report: Is it the smoking gun for Sandy Hook?


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6:04 PM (9 minutes ago)
to me
BrasscheckTV Report

The FBI crime report: Is it the
smoking gun for Sandy Hook?

Not so fast.

The facts about the 2012
FIB Report that everyone is
buzzing about.


- Brasscheck TV

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Friday, September 26, 2014

Shiva - Amerika wake up, wake up Amerika!!!

"Any day above ground is a good one." ™

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Shiva - Amerika wake up, wake up Amerika!!!

Someone always trying to fuck with MayorGalvan. The ex-spouse's brother of MayorGalvan was Russia Mafia ! Should I call them up right now that tell them I have a problem ?

Shiva - Amerika wake up, wake up Amerika!!!

Someone always trying to fuck with MayorGalvan. The ex-spouse's brother of MayorGalvan was Russia Mafia ! Should I call them up right now that tell them I have a problem ?

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Silver Warning Of Market Crash October?

September 20, 2014   Coast Insider Audio
Sallie House Haunting:

The Sallie House haunting is one of the most notorious in the world and has attracted attention from paranormal investigators, psychics and TV shows. Tony and Debra Pickman and their newborn son Taylor experienced it from the day they moved until they finally fled in terror. They shared their account with Dave Schrader (email) of the ghost girl who haunted the home, and sparked endless rumors and theories of murder, cover-ups, racism, and abuse.

Debra, who was pregnant when they moved into the house in 1992, recalled how the warm, inviting, and cozy the place felt when the couple first looked at it. Tony agreed, describing it as a normal-looking home. Unexplained activity, such as lights and appliances turning off or on by themselves, began so innocuously the two did not realize there was anything unusual happening around them. We rationalized it as electrical problems but an electrician found no issues with the house, the couple revealed. "You just don't automatically think you have a ghost," Debra noted.

Silver Warning Of Market Crash October?

I thank God for His blessing, mercy and love for me, if no be him, emi ke, melo larami niwaju awon haters.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Celia Cruz - Yo Vivire

Sanders on Meet the Press

Go Scotland ! The time has come for Scots to galvanize and declare their Independence and become an Independent Nuclear Power in Europe and on Planet Earth. We Texans are galvanizing and declaring our Independence from the USA and becoming an Independent Nuclear Power here in America and on Planet Earth ! Long Live Independent Scotland ! Long Live Independent TEXAS !

Sanders on Meet the Press

Go Scotland ! The time has come for Scots to galvanize and declare their Independence and become an Independent Nuclear Power in Europe and on Planet Earth. We Texans are galvanizing and declaring our Independence from the USA and becoming an Independent Nuclear Power here in America and on Planet Earth ! Long Live Independent Scotland ! Long Live Independent TEXAS !

Friday, September 12, 2014

Mathematical Model Shows How Ebola Will Spread: "Worse Case Scenario... ...

Dear James ,

Thank you for your generous contribution. Every donation—no matter how big or small—means the world to me, and gets us one step closer to winning in November. Thank you again for your investment in this campaign, and helping to continue moving Texas forward.

Muchísimas gracias!

Leticia Van de Putte

Leticia Van de Putte for Lt. Governor Campaign PO Box 8490, San Antonio, TX 78208

Friday, July 4, 2014


July 4, 2014
Kiev, Ukraine

In one of the most ill-timed columns ever written, Fortune Magazine published an article entitled "10 stocks to last the decade" on August 14, 2000.

The NASDAQ Composite Index was at 3849.69... and within days of the article being published, the index would begin a ruthless decline, taking a whopping 13 years to return to that level.

And as for the 10 stocks which were supposed to last the decade? Two of them (Nortel, Enron) went bust entirely.

One of them (Morgan Stanley) would have gone bust if it hadn't been for a $107 BILLION taxpayer bailout.

Others (Univision, Genentech) were bought out at valuations substantially lower than their August 2000 levels.

The remaining ones (like Nokia) are still out there somewhere, but their stock prices have declined as much as 83% over the last fourteen years.

To put it bluntly, not a single company on Fortune's list of titanic, unbeatable stocks managed to generate a positive return for investors. Everyone lost.

In fairness, this isn't a dig against Fortune; nearly EVERYONE thought that Enron was a sure bet back in 2000. (Although Fortune actually named Enron "America's most innovative company" for six years in a row from '96 to '01...)

Back then no one could imagine that Enron and Nortel would soon cease to exist. Or that Nokia's brand value would be virtually wiped out by Steve Jobs and a bunch of scrappy Koreans.

This is really a fantastic example of how a herd mentality forms about the sanctity and staying power of certain institutions.

It’s human nature to believe that whoever is in the lead now will always be in the lead.

And it’s the same for countries.

Virtually everyone alive today was born into a world in which the US was “#1”, the largest and most important economy on the planet. Hardly anyone can imagine anything else.

Yet ironically, as many Americans are celebrating Independence Day today, it is the last holiday that will pass with the US being the world’s largest economy.

China is set to surpass the US in a matter of months. And this shift of wealth and power is, by far, the biggest story of our time.

Let’s explore this together in today’s Podcast episode. We’ll go back in time and talk about ancient cities, kings and queens, grand palaces, epic battles, and major crises... real Game of Thrones stuff. 

And when we’re finished, you’ll see that this time is absolutely NO different. Click the link below to listen:

You can also listen and subscribe via iTunes here:

Enjoy your weekend.

Simon Black
Senior Editor,

Thursday, July 3, 2014


Declare Your Independence!
July 4, 2014  
           WHEN in the Course of political events, it becomes necessary for the voters of Texas to dissolve the political bands which have connected them to a certain political party, and to assume the power of individual thought and action which is essential to preserve their liberties, a decent respect for the opinions of their fellow Texans requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
      We hold these truths to be self evident, that all voters are created equal -- although political parties are not -- with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are the right to work with the Party and vote for the candidate that will most promote their liberty and work against intrusive government. -- That to frustrate this right, the two party system was instituted, deriving its power from the Texas election code. -- That whenever this two party system becomes destructive to freedom, it is the right of the voters to alter or abolish it, and to turn to a new party founded on such principles and organized as most likely to promote their liberty and prosperity, and to above all stop straight party voting.
      Experience, indeed, has proven that Parties long established will not change unless faced with extinction, and that voters are more disposed to suffer the lesser of two evils, even though that has undeniably led to evil, until they realize that if any Party thinks that it has you in its hip pocket, you are going to be sat upon.  The Texas People have faithfully supported with overwhelming success one party based on the dreaded “wasted vote” scare tactic, only to see themselves declared “toxic” and that the very officials they put into office must not even be seen with them because it would be “bad optics.”
The Texas People have discovered that they have walkaway power, and that the time has come to use that walkaway power to . . . . walk away.  Going to hell in a slower handbasket will no longer be their goal.   
     When a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design by the two party system to reduce the electorate to a rubber stamp of a despotic government, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off those constraints and to consider a new Party to preserve their freedoms.
     Such has been the patient sufferance of Texans; they have held their noses and voted for people they know will not do what they want with a vow to hold their feet to the fire, only to find that cronies prefer burnt off feet to bucking the political elites and monied interests.  The People have decided that they really do not want elected officials they must watch like a three year old boy around a book of matches.
    The long reign of King Richard, Crown Prince Gregory, and their Republican Texas legislature is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having the direct object of frustrating individual and Texas sovereignty in favor of obedience to national and global powers. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.
  • They have failed to resist federal tyranny and refused to nullify unconstitutional federal acts.  They file suit, but Texans knows that the federal government is not afraid of a lawsuit.  Don’t sue the buzzards, arrest them! 
  • They have raised cronyism to a new level, with shocking disregard for the rights of those who must pay with their money, land, and water to benefit the well-connected few. 
  • They have wasted the rewards of hardworking Texans and the blessings of our oil rich state by squandering a 26% unexpected revenue windfall in a manner that would put a drunken sailor to shame.  They did not wean us from the 35% of our budget that comes from the federal government, give us much needed tax relief, or reduce our huge debt -- they spent every dime, and raided the Rainy Day to boot!     
  • They have cast present and future generations in ruinous debt – the second highest per capita debt in the nation.
  • They have given a three person board – appointed by the governor -- the power to control Texas groundwater so that cronies with unsustainable projects can steal water from aquifers far away. 
  • They have acquiesced in an ever-expanding surveillance state and looming police state. We are constantly spied on by the NSA and other government snoops.
  • They have failed to defend our Constitutional and natural rights to arm and defend ourselves
  • They have effectively assented to threatened thefts of land owned by Texans by the federal government. The EPA claims ownership if a trickle of water exists on your property while the BLM wants to seize it if a river changes course.       
  • They have refused to protect the people of Texas from unlawful searches and bodily assault at airports and other public places.
  • They have enacted and perpetrated ruinous property taxes so that no one ever really owns his property but merely rents it from government in ever more prohibitive terms.
  • They have failed and refused to secure the Texas border against invasion, trespass, and violence and assist property owners in defense of their property rights.
  • They have, against the clear will of the people, promoted plans to steal land through eminent domain for toll roads no one wants and even toll existing paid-for roads.
  • They have combined with others to subject us to foreign sovereigns and jurisdictions in violation of our constitutions and natural rights
  • They have erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people and eat out their substance, and Gardasil our daughters.
     The People understand that our Liberty, Country, and Constitution are under attack like never before and will be lost if we do not act, and soon.  Washington is broken – irreparably for the near term—and Austin will be, too, if we do not turn this thing around, fast.  The two party system is corrupt and broken.  It will never fix itself and cannot be reformed from within, though many have tried, mightily.
     The Powers That Be have frightened the People into submission by scaremongering about the wasted vote syndrome and the lesser-of-two-evils shibboleth.  They have demanded unwavering allegiance -- warning the People of dire consequences should they not hold a veto proof majority:  the sun will not rise, the Democrats will hold a statewide office, and Rutgers will defeat Texas A&M in football.
     In every stage of these Oppressions we have Petitioned, in Tea Parties and other ways, for Redress in the most humble terms, or as humble as is fitting for a Texan to be.  Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated Injury, and at election time by false promises to reform.
     We must, therefore, acquiesce in the Necessity, which announces our Separation, and hold them as we hold the rest of mankind, even Yankees, Enemies in War, in Peace, Friends.
     We, therefore, the united voters of the sovereign State of Texas, solemnly Publish and Declare that we are, and of Right ought to be, Free and Independent Voters; that that we are absolved from all allegiance to the two major parties and that all political Connection between us, is and ought to be absolved; and that as Free and Independent Voters, we have the full Power to vote for, contribute to, and work for liberty candidates in whatever party; and do all other Acts and Things which Independent Voters may of right do.  And that henceforth the words “wasted vote” and “lesser of two evils” will be met with swift resistance as a provocative breach of the peace and “fighting words.”
      And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm Reliance on our Constitutional and natural rights and rational self interest, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.

Kathie Glass

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Saturday, June 7, 2014

the National Anthem of the United States of America

4 minutes and 20 seconds of the start of the game between USA & Nigeria 6/7/2014
Jurgen Klinsmann has a strong lineup on show against Nigeria as the USA looks to end the send-off series in style. Goal has the LIVE call.
Univision Deportes ‏@UnivisionSports · 4m
#UDMundial Al 31' Gooooool de Estados Unidos por conducto de @JozyAltidore #USA 1 - 0 #Nigeria

the National Anthem of the United States of America

4 minutes and 20 seconds of the start of the game between USA & Nigeria 6/7/2014
Jurgen Klinsmann has a strong lineup on show against Nigeria as the USA looks to end the send-off series in style. Goal has the LIVE call.
Univision Deportes ‏@UnivisionSports · 4m
#UDMundial Al 31' Gooooool de Estados Unidos por conducto de @JozyAltidore #USA 1 - 0 #Nigeria

the National Anthem of the United States of America

4 minutes and 20 seconds of the start of the game between USA & Nigeria 6/7/2014
Jurgen Klinsmann has a strong lineup on show against Nigeria as the USA looks to end the send-off series in style. Goal has the LIVE call.
Univision Deportes ‏@UnivisionSports · 4m
#UDMundial Al 31' Gooooool de Estados Unidos por conducto de @JozyAltidore #USA 1 - 0 #Nigeria

National Anthem USA (ALL VERSES)

 Name: Tereso J Torres
 Birth Year: 1917
 Race: White, citizen
 Nativity State or Country: Texas
 State of Residence: Texas
 County or City: Harris
 Enlistment Date: 21 Jan 1942
 Enlistment State: Texas
 Enlistment City: Fort Sam Houston
 Branch: Branch Immaterial - Warrant Officers, USA
 Branch Code: Branch Immaterial - Warrant Officers, USA
 Grade: Private
 Grade Code: Private
 Term of Enlistment: Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emergency, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherwise according to law
 Component: Selectees (Enlisted Men)
 Source: Civil Life
 Education: Grammar school
 Civil Occupation: Kitchen workers in hotels, restaurants, railroads, steamships, etc., n.e.c.
 Marital Status: Single, without dependents
 Height: 66
 Weight: 119

Mexican National Anthem - "Himno Nacional Mexicano" (ES/EN)

Texas will once again be an Independent Republic and will hang the Bushes and Clintons for TREA$ON & MURDER and for COLLABORATING WITH ZIONIST TERRORIST JEWISH PIG& like Binyamin Netanyahu

Russian National Anthem

You Say You Want a Revolution? It's time for another R[̲̅ə̲̅٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅]UTION in the United States !!! My ancestors came from Spain where MayorGalván was the Mayor of Madrid, Spain and was a Republican and Socialist I am a Republican and Soci...alist here in Houston, Texas that is also going to be the next Mayor of Houston, Texas and I do hereby support U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders to be the next President of the United States of America (USA) in 2016. FUCK OBAMA ! FUCK THE BUSHES ! FUCK THE CLINTONS ! TREA$ON AND CORRUPTION HAVE DESTROYED THE USA AS WE KNEW IT AND WE MUST GALVANIZE TO TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY FROM THE TERRORISTS THAT HAVE HIJACKED IT !!! Click here to learn more & sign the petition!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Italy National anthem Italian & English lyrics

I'm wearing my ITALY Soccer/Futbol Jersery It's the 1st Friday of June 2014 and I am going to act like an ITALIAN Remember what they did Benito Mussolini and all his family ? If you don't know what they did to Benito and his family, go look it up now ! It's Global History as only the ITALIANS know how to do GALVANISMO

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Mexican National Anthem - "Himno Nacional Mexicano" (ES/EN)

If Israel can do it, Mexico can do it better !!! Today is Pancho Villa's Birthday  Viva Pancho Villa !!!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Spanish National Anthem - "La Marcha Real" (ES/EN)


Spain National Anthem English lyrics

Latino Rebels @latinorebels 5m

Breaking: King Juan Carlos of Spain abdicates, Crown Prince Felipe to take over throne

Thursday, May 29, 2014

I get out - lauren hill lyrics

I've been a Gay Leader here in Houston, Texas since the 1970's and even had to fight racism within the Gay Community of Houston. And what do I get ? I couldn't even go out and celebrate our victory for Equal Rights here in Houston last nigh...t because of my living conditions. They can help everyone else from everywhere else but they too busy to help those of us that were god-damn fucking born and raised here in Houston, Texas Fuck Barbara Bush and all her god-damn fucking White-Trash Protestant Pieces-Of-Shit Family who came here to Houston to escape their crimes and murders.

Republican Hypocrites

It's time for another R[̲̅ə̲̅٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅]UTION in the United States !!! My ancestors came from Spain where MayorGalván was the Mayor of Madrid, Spain and was a Republican and Socialist I am a Republican and Socialist here in Housto...n, Texas that is also going to be the next Mayor of Houston, Texas and I do hereby support U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders to be the next President of the United States of America (USA) in 2016. FUCK OBAMA ! FUCK THE BUSHES ! FUCK THE CLINTONS ! TREA$ON AND CORRUPTION HAVE DESTROYED THE USA AS WE KNEW IT AND WE MUST GALVANIZE TO TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY FROM THE TERRORISTS THAT HAVE HIJACKED IT !!! Click here to learn more & sign the petition!

Dear James,

Since its creation, the open Internet has helped strengthened our democracy, spur innovation and connect communities around the globe. This equal playing field called “net neutrality” has defended the open Internet from corporations that want to control it for profit.

Right now the Federal Communications Commission is considering a rule that would allow large Internet providers like Verizon and Comcast to charge businesses for faster access to Internet users. This rule would give large corporations yet another advantage over small Internet companies. These types of pay-to-play agreements are unacceptable and would cause the Internet as we know it to cease to exist.

We must not allow the FCC to let big corporations to turn a profit by putting a fee on the free flow of ideas. The FCC is asking for the public to comment and I hope you will weigh in here. Make your voice heard and help save net neutrality.

Thank you for all that you do.


Bernie Sanders
U.S. Senator Bernie Sandersán R[̲̅ə̲̅٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅]UTION