Thursday, May 21, 2015

Departure of the Cabal narrated by Sananda/Jesus, AA Gabriel & Dr. Kathr...

Departure of the Cabal narrated by Sananda/Jesus, AA Gabriel & Dr. Kathryn May - Feb 11, 2015

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Published on Feb 14, 2015
Sananda/Jesus and ArchAngel Gabriel narrate this historic yet solemn event, the escorting of the Cabal members to the Light. All Higher Selves are asked to take part in the transformation of these souls to the light. Everyone's skills and hearts are needed as never before. This monumental episode in the Ascension of Planet Earth vividly describes the departure of the more than 5 million dark souls who have created havoc on the planet for thousands of years.

Join us every Wednesday at 8 pm with Dr. Kathryn E. May, Sananda Jesus and Co-host Meg Davis on

Please read the corresponding newsletter - Sananda/Jesus: Reprogramming and Rehab for Damaged Souls -

Upcoming Workshops: Workshop 1 - March 1 - March 5 and Workshop 2 - March 5 - March 9

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Wonderful, J.  Please watch the Visual Centering videos.  It will be very helpful for veterans, especially in managing the fear, and the underlying shame they feel for having been afraid... a terrible result of war.  Love, Kathryn
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I'm a little confused. When u say the dark cabal has left the planet, how come everything is the same as it has been ?
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+brendan maloney I am afraid we are the ones we have been waiting for. The only way justice will be done is if we carry justice out regardless of the personal cost in karma and death.
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+Dr. Kathryn E. May my question is how can these dark souls be dissolved, as you say, when energy does not  die. energy cant be disintegrated. also the higher source is female energy not male(father source) as you mentioned. enlighten me ...but im pretty sure im right.
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Just how are Ordinary people supposed to believe this stuff....? not sure if this is  will folks know supposedly the evil is gone from here...
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Sharon. the evidence on the ground always follows the work done in higher dimensions.  If you listen to the ongoing programs, you will get the whole story.  They are not being coddled; never fear.  They are souls, born in the Light, like us.  They are not being given advantages.  Their higher selves were brought to the Light to be retrained so they could go back to work on the incarnates who have done such damage. 
We are being given endless love and help, although it is not so easy to feel or know if you are feeling angry or upset. 
Please open your heart and listen to the voice of your own higher self.  You will discover that wonderful things are happening behind the scenes, where many unsung Lightworkers are working day and night to bring about NESARA, debt freedom, justice and prosperity.  It cannot be done overnight, but it is happening quickly.  You will feel the rising energies if you stop to meditate and take in the high vibrations.  Whatever you do, stop watching the cabal news!  It is designed to make you feel discouraged and angry, so you will add to the discordant energies.  There are great wonders coming.  Some are already here.
No, I am not a double agent.  I have a single purpose - to bring messages from our loving Masters and from Source.  Their messages are encoded with great love and Light.  It is my life purpose to be of service to the Light, and I invite others to join in the fulfilling work of raising the vibration on the planet in preparation for our Ascension.
I send you love,
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I found your words enthralling, and captivating, many thanks and much love for that! My question is have you reached the people involved in the secret society's i.e the members of Illuminate and the Royal families?
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sorry to say this but as of 24.04.2015 mother gaia is getting sicker & sicker for each day.. ocean animals dying. are there any way we can fix this?
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I removed the dark cell and experienced physical stigmata. Literally at the exact point in my forehead where I envisioned a pencil eraser sized seed at the front of my scull. I started feeling distracted and was physically attacked many times with dark flashes darting and banging into my walls and windows. I became violently ill and just pressed on in spiritual warfare speaking scripture. I lost the focus several times due to fear of what was going on around me, but pressed on and prayed for protection from Jesus. The seed came into focus again and I pushed it out praying; "it is finished!" My forehead began to burn like an intense sunburn and I just ignored it and kept praying and travailing, weeping bitterly. When it was done I was flooded with peace and creativity. I picked up my 12 string guitar and began praising God for over an hour. I went to a mirror over an hour later and had an exit wound much like a boil or pimple in the exact spot I envisioned the seed and felt the burning. It is still visible today. I prayed over my Bible and asked God to reveal His Word to me. I opened to the first page and read the first thing that appeared. It was Jeremiah and the words I read were; "the covenant is broken!" I have never slept so peacefully in my life! I'm leaving to go to the mountains to seek God in the wilderness and heal. When I return, Hell in flaming armor had best get out of my way! Be encouraged Saints! Fear Not is mentioned more than any other message in the Bible! NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST YOU SHALL PROSPER!
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+Dr. Kathryn E. May Thank you! I have never been more focussed and am able to counsel my Soldiers with PTSD in ways I never thought imaginable. Oh it gets better, Source showed me how to explain the law of attraction with quantum physics and answered the greatest scientific question I ever asked which is "where do We come from?" Source revealed how the Milky Way was created and I'm working on a collection of artistic writings, laws, Axioms and musical works to the effect. Better yet, as I help others I am beginning to see the most powerful manifestations of the multiples effect ever realized. (Multiple conscious beings deriving the same conclusions without physical correlations). Bring on the Golden Age! Thank you Dr. 
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+jshadow1980  When your eye be single your body be full of light !!!
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 The beginning is a very inspiring and loving moment in life I must confess that I was truly taken aback for a few minutes but I'm very glad that all is well.
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well this all sounds very nice and i really would like it to be true but has anything really changed please forgive me if i am being rude i just dont see too much change but i do believe in the lord jesus christ and god again please forgive my ignorance x
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+clive smith yes it has :) i feel it <3
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Terrance Martin Shared on Google+ · 2 months ago
Departure of the Cabal narrated by Sananda/Jesus,…:
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Maryse Masse Shared on Google+ · 1 month ago
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merci de penser à traduire vos propos et vos informations en Français pour qu'on puisse suivre vos activités que je trouve trés interessantes. Merci pour tous les effort que vous déployez pour aider les humains à s'éveiller.
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this is so incredible! and so important for the human kind. 
It is a pit that I got to know about it 1 month and 9 days after it. 
I also would like to support recovery of Sananda's twin soul: Lady Nada (i know that she feels already very well now). 

It is a complete new chapter ahead of us :)
Thank you Kathryn!
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As far fetched as it may seem, maybe they are leaving the planet because of the mess they've created
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+Ellie James 'They' my dear are principalities and demonic forces rather than a just a bunch of personalities and they desire complete annihilation of all, and the planet. This isn't a war that just ordinary humanity could win although it was a possibility. Divine Intervention has been in the cards all along if we failed to win all by ourselves. The Galactics and the Angelics have had a struggle but will win as the light always wins over the dark, understanding over ignorance, love over hate. Rescue mission on track and holding steady...
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I don't understand. Why did the dark ones who did not agree to come to the light have to be disintegrated? Could not they be taken to the light by force, or be transported in dimensions where they can exercise their activity without hurting nobody?
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Oh My God I Am In Divine Gratitude, crying all through this Divine Show. Oh
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Thank you! Beloved Sananda/ Jesus, Archangel Gabriel, Dr. Kathryn E. May, Meg Davis and Blogtalkradio. Hallelujah! to the departure of the Cabal. Hallelujah! to the Light. Love Light and gratitude to all. Namaste.
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Jesus, thank you for sending the miracle of Love to the dark ones all over the universe; help them live free and easy.
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Departure of the Cabal narrated by Sananda/Jesus, AA Gabriel & Dr. Kathryn May - Feb 11, 2015
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I wish I could have been there.  Very cool !   I wouldn't have been there because of much illness.   I just can't  believe  it has finally time for many good things; so cool !!!
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I have sensed all of this too and was working in diverse timelines too to make this happen, and i remember being very angry about that they are able to return...with the same physical bodies and even with a new body i rather see them leave this Universe and try their stuff somewhere else. I have experienced al lot of their "nasty works" from very close and i am not very happy even with their higher selves...i must not think of my ex dutch queen beatrix to be the nice woman now suddenly...I don't see this happening, i see only acts and they are still laughing at us...She and her Bilderberg Group and all her companies did not give all the money back to the world i am really worried.. Love to follow the actual news though. They have blocked my life for 45 years and i know and feel the block is slowly lifted now, but their minions are still not backing up. I am deeply grateful that we all do our part of the job here and now. Thank you Katryn and others!
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and i do remember talking to certain cabal members in the past period since the 11th.. and also who are NOT going. I have been told by Father God that they have to give back and give help with recovery and unwint what they have done first before their bodies and "higher selves" are allowed to leave..That takes at least 2 years, well that was in the past..2x 4 seasons to unleash humans from their ties and deceptive bands... thank you for this insight..
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Thank you Beloved Brother Sananda and lovely ArchAngel Gabriel as All wonderful Beings of Light and Company of Heaven and our Source/ Father of all creation, for making possible this final stage for preparing of Ascension our lovely Mother Terra, Humanity and all Animal and Plant and Elemental Kingdom. Thank you lovely Soul, Kathryn or lady Nada for this great channeling and making closer contact with our Spiritual Hierarchy. This departure of first 5 million dark soul to Temple of light / Inner Soul of our Great Father of Central Sun/ has happened  after  very serious action of our Galactic family and Ascending Masters against remnants of Anchora alliance and Chimera group and their  finally defeating   in our Solar system. This galactic war in our Solar belt was provoked by Dark Ones using forbidden  scalar weapon  from ambush, to take life and damage lovely Souls of our Ascending Masters Sananda and his twin flame Lady Nada, after giving them proposition for peaceful and respectful surrender .But Lady Nada was very badly hurt and  Her soul was seriously damaged, but   saved after instantaneously healing action of Great Masters of healing as Arcturians, ArchAngels, Brotherhood of Light, our Father, source of all life, for giving template, and our great light worker and Spirit Kathryn.
After patiently and gently healing of our Great Ascending Masters and Archangel Michael and Rafael, nearly all of this Souls, lost souls that never came back to the light, between reincarnations, playing all their reincarnations always  bad roles, making their hologram of 3 D illusion so real, but now, after healing, they are become  wonderful lightworkers, very powerful because they came from the darkest and lowest level of energy. After this 5 millions coming next new 5 millions, and after new 5 millions, making wonderful and great group of light worriers,and make possible, now, to enrich the number of 144 000 stable transformers of energy to change our society in this, very powerful period of energy of Universe: full Moon, total Solar Eclipse and Uranus Pluto square.and first is global change of leadership and NESARA implementation, before Disclosure of present of our Galactic Families, that will en light our society completely with new non polluting and free energy technology. Meeting  with our Galactic families, our twin flames, inner Earth Brothers and Sister is so unimaginable and non describable exiting Event that will completely awaken the rest of human population. Can you imagine, beside President Obama, who is very positive and highly spiritually evolved being of light, the others who played very negative role, as Bush sr. or from Rothschild's family, they start openly talking about our Galactic  families and contact with them, soon after, and about giving fund and implementation NESARA low to the rest of humanity. Now this seems to little bit silly, but Souls of the darkest One are already healed, and went to the Light, just waiting the right time to be activating in this 3 Dimensional world, and this time is NOW, because we already enriched  zero point energy, or balance of positive and negative energy, ready for this long awaiting changes. But for this changes is very important that All of Us Awaken, actively be involved in global meditation and envision of our peaceful, respectful and full of Love and light of our Societies, that will be organized all around our globe, to bring in enough energy to already connecting lay lines and portals, for complete transition of our World.
To give so much Blessing and Enlightenment and Compassion and Love to our very damaged Earth, our human societies, our animal and plant kingdom and our Beloved Soul Lady Nada, and all Galactic Societies for their  tirelessly  and compassion work full of Love and light to make impossible to possible, to Become Galactic Human societies, first time in Universe, and coming back, together with our lovely planet Earth, now Terra, to our Great Father, our Source of All Creation and Existence of Love and Light. That is the End of all suffering, We ARE COMING HOME!
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Ele J Shared on Google+ · 3 months ago
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Love and light O:-)
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Rhonda Pittman Shared on Google+ · 2 months ago
Check out this video on YouTube:
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Now i know what happened..It happened to mee too! I thought it were personal attacks!
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I have worked almost daily for approx. daily for about 3 & a 1/2 years we all did it !!!  ; minus 2 weeks a year and I wish I could have done more .
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Hi Kathryn Cobra and others talk about something called "The Event" Was this it?
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+Anna Johnson I think the "Event" is going to happen when all the dominoes fall at once.
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Hope all of this can aid to a better future on earth
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A wonderful message with the great news , thank you all ♡ Namaste
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Let the celebrations begin !  APRIL12/2015     !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Departure of the Cabal narrated by Sananda/Jesus, AA Gabriel & Dr. Kathryn May - Feb 11, 2015
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Richard Tafoya Shared on Google+ · 1 month ago
Departure of the Cabal narrated by Sananda/Jesus, AA Gabriel & Dr. Kathryn May - Feb 11, 2015
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Departure of the Cabal narrated by Sananda/Jesus, AA Gabriel & Dr. Kathryn May - Feb 11, 2015
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Richard Tafoya Shared on Google+ · 1 month ago
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I am am awestruck. I feel so privileged to have connected with this amazing event and time. I will be sharing this with my light worker friends. We all have work to do. Thank you. My journey began with the dark cell removal video. I have felt a wonderful peace and stillness since then. What joy we have to look forward to!
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So what about all the politicians and business leaders that are still here? I may have missed that. 
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Please improve the sound quality. Down with the Cabal!
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Beautiful... Awesome!
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Hi Kathryn,

On behalf of the Filipino People, we would like to extend our sincerest gratitude to all your sacrifice and the immense task being undertaken by the Company of Heaven to uplift the Light of humanity.

I have quite a number of points I would like to raise to you which I would appreciate if you could respond to or refer to Sananda or the Company of Heaven for explanation.

Will there be another batch of souls leaving to be 'rehabilitated' by the Light, on top of the 5M souls which departed already, especially those that are still creating unnecessary havoc in the world, like the minions of the dark cabal trying to occupy the positions of those who have left or those who are funding the wars we have here and in other countries?  If possible, please include the souls of those influential national leaders who are currently heavily involved in creating these conflicts as well to the list of those who needs to be 'rehabilitated' e.g., Netanyahu & Kim-Jun-Un :D  or enLighten them, at the very least, of their Truth during their dream state (for starters).

Would you also ask the Company of Heaven, especially if Source permits, to take all the armaments of the world used in all these unnecessary armed conflicts so that all the wars around the world would end now?  

I learned that the Pope will visit the US this year, I suggest that Sananda and the rest of the Light forces meet with him and re-indoctrinate him of the Truth prior to/during the Synod of Bishops or  sooner, so that he could influence the 1 Billion plus souls of the Catholic faith and bring them back to the Light.  It would definitely accelerate the Light quotient of the world if that happens!  It would also be best if Buddha, Mohammed and the rest of the Ascended Masters appear before their respective religious organizations simultaneously when Sananda/Jesus meets/talks to the Pope.

Also, I've read that the dark cabal/illuminati are creating what they call 'one religion' to control the rest of humanity in conjunction with 'one government & one military force' to create a 'new world order'.  If I refer my family, friends and colleagues to your posts re God/Sananda's channeled messages, how can I explain to them that these are not the works of the cabal?

I apologize for the many questions and requests.  We hope and pray that you fully recuperate.  Your service to humanity is immeasurable beyond words and we thank The One for giving us someone like you to Light our path in our collective Ascension.

May the Light keep you heart-strong!  

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Thank you for your questions! Most of them have been addressed in the most recent message from Lady Nada. Here is the link