Friday, January 17, 2014

Elton John - The Diving Board (Full Album)

James , Shabbat Shalom from Israel!

What does Armageddon mean in Hebrew?

The word Armageddon has captured popular apocalyptic imagination since ancient times. Armageddon, which is mentioned in the Book of Revelation, became synonymous with the final between battle good and evil. This idea comes to us from the second Temple period.

While the word “Armageddon” itself is Greek, before being a Greek word it was in fact a Hebrew phrase - "Har Maggido", meaning “Mount of Maggido.” Maggido was an artificial hill (still in existence today) which Solomon's northern cavalry used to guard the borders of his kingdom.

Armageddon is just one example of transliteration that took place in the Greco-Roman world. For example, before being transliterated into Greek, the word "Capernaum" was for many centuries simply, “Kfar Nahum” meaning “Nahum’s Village.”

It’s time for you to better engage with the Hebrew world; don’t leave it to others to make all the translation choices for you -

you can make those decisions yourself.

Ready to begin your journey of deeper engagement with Hebrew texts?
If so, click here.


Dr. Eli

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