Watch the video the Zionist Media didn't Want You to See, ISRAEL and the ZIONIST TERRORIST JEWISH WELFARE-WHORE PIG$ in it's true form! KILL NETANYAHU NOW !
Jew$ calling blacks Niggers ! And we Americans are giving these Jewish Pigs billions and billions of WELFARE. Those god-damn fucking animals and all their goddamn fucking racist supporters have a lot of fucking gall. Hitler was right about these fucking animals.
Jew$ calling blacks Niggers ! And we Americans are giving these Jewish Pigs billions and billions of WELFARE. Those god-damn fucking animals and all their goddamn fucking racist supporters have a lot of fucking gall. Hitler was right about these fucking animals.
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Watch the video the Zionist Media didn't Want You to See, ISRAEL in it's true form!
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Published on Apr 10, 2014
Solicited, then rejected by The New York Times - Quickly share before it's taken down!!!
Blumenthal explained how The New York Times commissioned the 11-minute video, but after the paper's editors saw it, refused to publish it:
I was asked to submit something by The New York Times op docs, a new section on the website that published short video documentaries. I am known for short video documentaries about the right wing in the US, and extremism in Israel. They solicited a video from me, and when I didn't produce it in time, they called me for it, saying they wanted it. So I sent them a video I produced with my colleague, David Sheen, an Israeli journalist who is covering the situation of non-Jewish Africans in Israel more extensively than any journalist in the world.
We put together some shocking footage of pogroms against African communities in Tel Aviv, and interviews with human rights activists. I thought it was a well-done documentary about a situation very few Americans were familiar with. We included analysis. We tailored it to their style, and of course it was rejected without an explanation after being solicited. I sent it to some other major websites and they have not even responded to me, when they had often solicited articles from me in the past.
Blumenthal, author of the bestselling and widely promoted 2009 book Republican Gomorrah, also spoke about the difficulty he has had getting any mainstream media attention for his new book Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel.
Just like this video, Blumenthals' new book offers an unflinching look at the racist reality of Israel that Americas' establishment media simply does not have the guts to confront.
I half expect a strike against me from Y/T Yid Brigades, I hope some of you will down and re-up this piece!
Blumenthal explained how The New York Times commissioned the 11-minute video, but after the paper's editors saw it, refused to publish it:
I was asked to submit something by The New York Times op docs, a new section on the website that published short video documentaries. I am known for short video documentaries about the right wing in the US, and extremism in Israel. They solicited a video from me, and when I didn't produce it in time, they called me for it, saying they wanted it. So I sent them a video I produced with my colleague, David Sheen, an Israeli journalist who is covering the situation of non-Jewish Africans in Israel more extensively than any journalist in the world.
We put together some shocking footage of pogroms against African communities in Tel Aviv, and interviews with human rights activists. I thought it was a well-done documentary about a situation very few Americans were familiar with. We included analysis. We tailored it to their style, and of course it was rejected without an explanation after being solicited. I sent it to some other major websites and they have not even responded to me, when they had often solicited articles from me in the past.
Blumenthal, author of the bestselling and widely promoted 2009 book Republican Gomorrah, also spoke about the difficulty he has had getting any mainstream media attention for his new book Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel.
Just like this video, Blumenthals' new book offers an unflinching look at the racist reality of Israel that Americas' establishment media simply does not have the guts to confront.
I half expect a strike against me from Y/T Yid Brigades, I hope some of you will down and re-up this piece!
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good video. it's show the truth about the so called Jews in Israel today. it shows the evil nature of their souls. it shows the god they worship is not the Heavenly Father or Jesus. and the fact is that the land the so called Jews are on doesn't belong to them, it belongs to the Palestinian people. thanks.
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Fuck the Jews! A sub-human specie evil beyond belief! Nuke the world !
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+morpheus622 Ouch... it's like... a splinter in my brain.... XD Keep passing out those red pills morpheus but wtf with naming the new city zion? Maybe that's why people prefer the blue pill?
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i speak both languages. Hebrew , Arabic and a little bit of english And you know nothing ! Iwould expect from someone that believes in god to at least know the biblical language so that you could understand what the bible really means . So who is the uneducated moron here?
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FUCK YOU are the thieves and infiltrators in the holy land in the first place. The UK gave you Palestine illegally - the Balfour Declaration..... the most criminal war mongering motherfucking scumbags. Fuck you !!
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+Russia will kill You zionist jews This post can not be found ! That's what um getting ! Wtf is going on ?
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+Grand Kaiser A time out was called so you could get some Logical Education, So you don't have time for comments, Only Education please go away you have to study & have fun while you're at it.
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Fucking hypocrites.Jews promote multiculturalism in every country but their own.Fuck you Jews !
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+Stefanov Vladirimovich they were ALWAYS racists! don't blame AH for it!
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lol comments were at 666 when i posted mine. fuck israel, they sure did learn a lot from the nazis, its really too bad the nazis didnt get to finish them off...
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This Is why I class all jews the same look at the age`s little girls ,there all brought up the same to hate every one who`s not a jew.
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+Fuck Googles name policy didn't you watch the racist disgusting pigs in this video? Obviously not, or you would be calling the jews in this video out as the vile pigs they are. But at least you did bring up the Bolshevik Commie Marxist jews mass slaughtering 80 MILLION nonjews in ww1 good on you for admitting that.
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Israel is the shit running down the leg of humanity. At the VERY LEAST they knew about 9-11 long before it happened.
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+Anthony Lee I have visited all those countries and more you douche bag. Furthermore, you ignorant buffoon there is a difference between 'your' and 'you are'. This isn't a typo, you have used it in several posts you ignorant, uneducated sub-human.
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Instead of. The word Jewish....replace that word Jewish....with the word WHITE. What do you have then? Just wondering... Watch the video the Zionist Media didn't Want You…:
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Hitler once said "I would have killed all the jews of the world, but i kept some to show the world why I killed them"
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im a american/mexican born and living in US but i dont disagree with this jewish views on nationalization! my mom sold out her mexican culture and heritage for materialistic and security gain that the US provided! US has lost its culture. I was robed from my mexican culture! now im an american. And yes, i do agree Israel is the synagogue of Satan and should be destroyed for its war crimes. i hope Hezbollah destroys them in the next Lebanon war. Polish Ashkanazi Kazharian Russians are not Jews they have deceived the whole world. People around the world know zionist are the worlds enemy's.
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+Stefanov Vladirimovich I disagree with you to a certain extent man! Jesus promised the destruction of the Dajjal antichrist that will sit in Jerusalem and claim he is god! Zionist protect and are bringing out the introduction of said Satanist agenda! so it wont be another Hitler but there will be the army's of the 12 hidden imam Mahdi who will come with isa (jesus) to fight the synagogue of Satan! these army's are the Iranian army, the Lebanon resistance Hezbollah and possibly even the Yemen, Hamas, Syria. The armys of the Dajjal are as follows Israel, US, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, but especially Saudi Arabia Wahhabi salafi which is your current day ISIS death squads!
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+sancasmiadas1 I disagree with you too...yes there will be no man like Hitler but if you look carefully in the world you will see million of nazi people...Just like in US. The jews in US started to see again the nazi presence
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Those very people are themselves infiltrators, transplanted Khazarian converts - the Ashkenazis, the eastern European Jewish converts from the middle ages, who were infiltrators and are to this day trying to wipe the indigenous people of Palestine, the true semites (southwest Asians) off the face of the earth and steal their land, like the Europeans did to the native Americans. God knows the whole story and there is a Day of Reckoning coming.
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Jewish Paranoia! There is no single country in the world without foreigners. Israel can limit the number of foreigners in their country but expelling them completely is a catastrophe. How many million Jews stay around the world? Should we expell jews from our countries? If we do, they will say we jew haters or anti semitic. I saw some racists even calling men of colour a derogatory word nigger. These atheists Jews must know that God created all races for his own reasons.
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+Boitumelo Tshwenyego Let these evil monsters call us whatever they want. It's up to ALL of us non-jews to stop shaming other non-jews for speaking the truth. Pretty soon people will have, I am an 'anti-semite' and Proud bumper stickers on their cars, and the world will be free of their Usury that keeps all the other races fighting each other. Peace. Duke Farakhan 2016 XD in either order, time to put away the race baiting and unite against the so-called 'chosen' No one would dare to get rid of one of these guys with the other one waiting in the wings. Of course they could never travel together
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if it was black and white film without sound i would say it's Germany during the war. but then again it's not like we did not know from what they are doing to the native population "Palestinians" they have been killing them for 70 years now. i guess "never again" apply only to one blood line. the new master race :) thanks you for making it and sharing it. if there is more like you we would have a better world.
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It wasn't about if the world was round. In ancient times, everyone thought the Earth was the center of the Universe – it was obvious to anyone who just looked up. The Sun, Moon, stars and planets were thought to be attached to crystal spheres that turned around us. In 1610, Galileo used his first rudimentary telescope to observe that Venus went in phases just like the Moon. This went against the theory that everything orbited the Earth, and was further evidence that it goes around the Sun. Galileo also observed how Jupiter has 4 major moons that orbit it. This broke the previous believe that all objects orbit the Earth. This was against the belief of the Church that earth was center of everything. He told the truth and everyone was against him. Same like Israel.
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If America brings in 'the world' as is being done now thru Mexico... it is no longer America?.... oh no that doesn't count. or France being overrun, or Switzerland, or Gr. Britain..... we know who you are Israel, I know there are those who do not stand with the Zionist liars....
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I think it would be cool these journalists do stories on the root causes of why the people leave Africa. Maybe while focusing on "deleting the elite" and deleting the Boko Haram and other factions that committed murder and unrest and set into most actions that create unnatural overflow of exiting people into other countries.
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The ability to capture this video is simply amazing and it's content beyond anything you've likely ever seen from inside Israel. I had know idea that this was going on. Thank you +Ellim Sluouf this is a real eye-opener.
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The zionists are right. Who in his right nind would want hundreds of thousands of penniless African immigrants overwhelming his own country??? I mean besides disgusting leftists and communists. I wonder why all those hundreds of thousands of African immigrants, lots of which are muZlims, choose to immigrate to the 'racist' Jewish state and not, let's say, Egypt, or Jordan or any of the other 'welcoming' Arab states surrounding Isarel, can anyone of the fuckers here answer this very simple question??
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imagine a world with, No Jewish State, No Islamic State and, No Vatican State. This would be the end of control and hatred the world over.
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Don't you just love the way the zionists in this film fight to preserve a jewish only state and state they are against countries whose infiltrators number up to 80%, yet around the western world wherever you find promotion of mass immigration and multiculturalism, you'll find jews behind it all. They do this because while we are all focused on black and ethnic minorities we will not be looking at the trouble and damaged caused by the jews in those same countries. I say long live israel as long as all the world's jews are compelled to go there to live.
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+borjastick Send them by bus, trains and planes. Whooops THAT sounded bad lmfao NOT. Thank God the world can see these racist pieces of shit for their disgusting subhuman vile behavior. EVIL deluded psychopaths. If these are God's chosen, then their God is the Shit on Satan's leg, as someone else said. Nasty 'people'
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Zionist's occupying Israel. Like God will have favor in you people? You are all under the scribes, pharisees and you follow your true Father. These people, or so called Jews who oppress others will soon meet their maker. It is revolting to see a race of people so pompous. One day soon. God Bless those who see through lies of this world. Praise Jesus Christ for all truths. The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Amen
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Is all this because they read from the Kabbalah and the Talmud? This is no way to treat any human being. No one. Your prejudices will soon overtake you.
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All illegal Libyians, Sudanese and Eritreans headed for Europe should be shipped to Israel and settled permanently there and all Mexicans, Hondurans, Salvadoreans unlawfully going to America et al as well just for good measure and don´t forget all homosexual and lesbian feminazi trendy Zionists in around the world as well. It is alright for this putrescent vermin to promote multiculturalism and plurality everywhere to dilute weaken and ultimately take over proud and strong nations like America but when it comes to the precious little racist murderous cunts no, they are too good to mix with the goyim aren´t they? You fucking cancerous growth on humanity will be excised very soon, trust me on this one, everybody has caught on your demonic ways and you are being thoroughly exposed, prepare to be fucked up the arse hard, colloquially speaking, like you have been doing to the world for a thousand years, how does it feel when the shoe is on the other foot you diabolical khazar pseudo jew Ashkenazi plague?, Palestinians have more semite in one of their little toenails than the lot of you can ever claim or prove to possess.
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+Anthony Lee don´t like malware or viruses tony so I won´t be opening that.
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Whole hearty I don't believe Jesus Christ was Jewish. If in fact Jesus Christ was Jewish then it been hijacked
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The Holy Scripture Book tells us that these SO-CALLED JEWS, are NOT the original Hebrews who come from the land. These people come from Europe they are a converted people to their JEWISH religion. They are Kazarians who STOLE the land from the Palestinians and they HATE, to the core ALL BLACK peoples. Scripture calls them THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN. Revelation 2:9. And they fear them because they don't want what they did to the Palestinians to happen to them. Their lie about Hitler has ironically been turned on them, now they are the ones who want to eliminate a group of people. They are truly EVIL. But judgement is on its way and I think they know it, won't they be shocked to see that Jesus is a BLACK man and will punish them for what was done to His people. The Bible is TRUE, prophesy is being fulfilled as i write and JUDGEMENT for all of man is on the way. I am a TRUE ISRAELITE and I look forward to the day promised in Revelation 3:9. For me God's judgements are true and RIGHT!!!! They will die in there sin. Many of those people will be killed at their hands. So called Jews are LIARS, I almost choked when i saw an ad promoting tourism to this RACIST STATE, making the rest of the world believe they are an open and democratic place for all to visit. THEY ARE FULL OF SHIT!!!!
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Rev 9 3 here is the Synagogue of Satan, the same tribe is pushing and forcing refugee and immigration legal or illegal in white countries to destroy our race, gene pool. so we ll be divided and allow them to conquer this jewess says she is recist in order to protect her people, but here is the hypocrisy , White folks wake up, the satanic tribe is using blacks, arabs, latinos...etc as a proxy. This is fire they are the arsonist. destroy the synagogue of satan , and their symptoms ll disappear.
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Download and save this video before the jews press Google to take it down. Their censorship brigade is on the lookout for this kind of material for suppression. Firefox works well for downloading videos from YouTube.
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+msotil As a representative of the great jewish people.We are back in our homeland that is here 1500 years before the invention of Islam and christianity that started from jesus. A nice jewish boy. Would never want to erase such idiotic minds like yourself . the opposite!the more idiots and anti semitic jew hatters the better we know where you are . then hiding under the ground.
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+Anthony Lee Whatever. Perhaps some day I may be a mad hatter but never a jew hatter.
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Poor Zionists always afraid of others wanting to harm them. They don't see themselves as the reason that others wish them harm, they don't see themselves as the disgusting sub-humans that they are, they don't see themselves as the racists that they are. - So sad to have to live for eternity a scared animal looking over your shoulder. - A word of advice, when you become human and lose the 'sub' designation then others may look at you as human.
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They shouldn't make it personal tho, that's not cool. Anti-African is racist cuz it's race specific, whereas jus not wanting non-Jews is more a matter ov culture preservation.. Im sure there are African Jews, are there not?
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