Galvan Family History
- Galvan Name Meaning
- Spanish (Galván): from a medieval personal name. This is in origin the Latin name Galbanus (a derivative of the Roman family name Galba, of uncertain origin). However, it was used in a number of medieval romances as an equivalent of the Celtic name Gawain (see Gavin), and it is probably this association that was mainly responsible for its popularity in the Middle Ages.
Source: Dictionary of American Family Names ©2013, Oxford University Press
- 295,639 Historical Documents with Galvan on Ancestry
- 230,839 Birth, Marriage, and Deaths
- 3,396 Military Records
- 13,611 Immigration Records
- 30,219 Census and Voter Lists
- 17,574 Member Trees
Galvan census records
You can see how Galvan families moved over time by selecting different Census years.Census records can tell you little-known facts about your ancestors such as birthplace, occupation and value of personal estate.
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from the New York Passengers List
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The information for this chart came from the U.S. Immigration Collection at Ancestry. You can find out where the majority of the Galvan families were living before they immigrated to the U.S and learn where to focus your search for foreign records.Immigration records can tell you an ancestor's name, ship name, port of departure, port of arrival, and destination.
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Click on a circle in the chart to view Galvan immigration records
You can find out when most of the Galvan families immigrated to the United States. You can focus your search to immigration records dating from that era.Immigration records can tell you an ancestor's name, ship name, port of departure, port of arrival and destination.
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Click on a circle in the chart to view Galvan birth and death records
An unusually short lifespan might indicate that your ancestors lived in harsh conditions. A short lifespan might also indicate health problems that were once prevalent in your family.The SSDI is a searchable database of more than 70 million names. You can find birthdates, death dates, addresses and more.
View all Galvan ancestors in the SSDI
Galvan census records
Census records can offer a lot of little known facts about your Galvan ancestors, such as occupation.Occupation can tell you about your ancestors' social status and economic status.
View all Galvan census records >
Click to view veteran service records
You can find out if your ancestors came primarily from the North of the South.Military records can tell you an ancestor's birthplace, occupation, and even physical description.
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