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I compare what is happening right now to cause planetary death in the relatively near future to a trillion-alarm fire with everyone looking the other way. I say you need to respond to this with the urgency of being in a world war, marshaling all available national and world resources to bear on it, and not with the complacency of a boy-scout litter pick-up campaign.
When you get a call at work that your house is on fire, you rush home worrying about whether your family is alive or dead, what, if anything, remains of your precious keepsakes, and so on. And you don’t, this time, stop on the way to have a short visit with your mother at the nursing home, grab a few things at the grocery store, or even fill up your tank at the gas station! *You go straight home and try to save your family and home! *
I cannot believe the nonchalance around the huge environmental catastrophes that have gone on in just the last five years alone — specifically, the Gulf Oil Spill and the Fukushima Japan nuclear disaster. When the BP disaster was ongoing and gushing devastating amounts of oil into the Gulf, Donna Brazille, Democrat TV pundit, frustrated with the Obama Administration’s response to the Spill, fumed aloud, “Where is the fierce urgency of Now?!!!”
But these hugely unprecedented environmental catastrophes, daily spreading the damage to our planet, are just two canaries in a coal mine.
We are just beginning to understand the immensity of the damage to our planet the Fukushima disaster did. We will probably not be told the degree of radiation exposure from it we are receiving from it until long after people have been dying in droves from it.
The BP oil spill of 2010 is, similarly, presenting ongoing planetary damage, which, like the Japan nuclear disaster is not being reported. Dolphin and whale carcasses in the hundreds were washing up on Gulf beaches, birds were dying and some were simply dropping dead out of the sky. We know for sure of at least one dead zone caused by the BP oil spill. Remember, a dead zone is an area in the ocean where nothing can live for lack of oxygen. This one is a hundred miles long and twelve miles wide. I have heard reports of other dead zones cropping up in the Gulf, and it has been said they are *growing* in size with time. Beyond these we have to wonder how many more there are, yet unknown, and how great is the ongoing damage.
But none of these dire events are being mentioned much in the media. We hear the reports, then the media directs our attention to something else. When Fukushima was being actively monitored by the media in 2011, I heard CNN report some very apocalyptic developments occurring there. Immediately afterward, CNN directed our attention to some in-depth reporting on a snake that had gotten loose in New York City.
I mean, really?
So we cover our eyes to what is going on.
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Fuck Hillary Clinton ! Arrest that god-damn White-Trash Protestant Piece of Shit Murderer and Traitor and sentence her to hang for treason and crimes against humanity. I am James Partsch-Galvan from Houston, Texas USA and the 2016 Green Party Candidate for US House of Representatives CD 29 in Texas.
Wealth Inequality in America
R[̲̅ə̲̅٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅]UTION Join Us and Invest in Freedom! GALVANISM, GALVANISM0, GALVANISME, GALVANISMUS Who would you like to invite into R[̲̅ə̲̅٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅]UTION? A Flickr member? You can invite any Flickr member to join a group, whether or not they are your contacts. You'll be able to select people and send them a customized invitation to join R[̲̅ə̲̅٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅]UTION. Invite a Flickr member? or... A friend who isn't a member yet? Inviting a friend to join a group is a good way to get them to join Flickr and get involved in a group they might be interested in. When you invite a new person to join up via a group, we set you up as contacts, and add them as a new member of R[̲̅ə̲̅٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅]UTION. Invite a new person to join Flickr? Galvan Name Meaning Spanish (Galván): from a medieval personal name. This is in origin the Latin name Galbanus (a derivative of the Roman family name Galba, of uncertain origin). However, it was used in a number of medieval romances as an equivalent of the Celtic name Gawain (see Gavin), and it is probably this association that was mainly responsible for its popularity in the Middle Ages.
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