Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Today, ‎October ‎23, ‎2013, ‏‎1 hour ago World Series CONGRATS WHITE SOX


Jim Chambers replied to a discussion on Everyone's Plan B.

Subject: Disobediance
Non-violent resistance? Now you are singing my song.
I have advocated to my friends and anyone else who will listen that they
readjust their deductions so that at the end of the year they actually have
to write a small check to finish paying their taxes and eschewing obamacare.
When the IRS sends a bill for the penalty they say you owe just ignore it (I
know, they can come after your stuff). If only 10% of the population were to
do that and stand up to them there is no way they can prosecute everyone and
our lawmakers would get the point and do something about ridding us of this
unwanted law. They, after all, want to keep their jobs above all else.

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