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Long Live The USA ! The time has come to galvanize and arrest the Bushes & Clintons for TREA$ON & hang them for CRIME$ AGAIN$T THE USA & CRIME$ AGAIN$T HUMANITY. We have all lost family members who have died for this once great country USA. We owe it to them to galvanize and take back our country from these god-damn fucking traitors and murderers and warmongers who want you and me and every other American here in the USA to send our kids to die for their god-damn fucking war$. Fuck Them ! Viva my uncle Teresso J. Torres who served in the military of the United States of American and is turning over in his grave because we Americans have allowed these White-Trash Protestant Pieces of Shit Zionist Terrorist Supporters like the Bushes & Clintons to destroy our country and serve their real master $atan.
Guten Morgen Alles ! Slam Alaikum ! And when are they going to kill the #1 Terrorist on Planet Earth ? Netanyahu ! Netanyahu is a White-Trash Zionist Terrorist Jewish Pig Welfare-Whore Murderer & International War Criminal who is more dangerous to the USA & peace on Planet Earth than Saddam Hussein ever was. Netanyahu should have been arrested and sentenced to hang years ago just like they did to Saddam Hussein.
Today’s Beautiful Hadith is about Intentions
Narrated ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab RA reported: Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) said, “The deeds are considered by the intentions, and a person will get the reward according to his intention. So whoever emigrated for Allah and His Messenger, his emigration will be for Allah and His Messenger; and whoever emigrated for worldly benefits or for a woman to marry, his emigration would be for what he emigrated for." (Bukhari and Muslim)
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R[̲̅ə̲̅٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅]UTION Join Us and Invest in Freedom! www.mayorgalvan.com
Posted: Wednesday, April 22, 2015 12:11 PM
◾R[̲̅ə̲̅٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅]UTION Join Us and Invest in Freedom! www.mayorgalvan.com
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◾R[̲̅ə̲̅٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅]UTION Join Us and Invest in Freedom! www.mayorgalvan.com
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◾R[̲̅ə̲̅٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅]UTION Join Us and Invest in Freedom! www.mayorgalvan.com
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◾R[̲̅ə̲̅٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅]UTION Join Us and Invest in Freedom! www.mayorgalvan.com
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◾R[̲̅ə̲̅٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅]UTION Join Us and Invest in Freedom! www.mayorgalvan.com
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◾R[̲̅ə̲̅٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅]UTION Join Us and Invest in Freedom! www.mayorgalvan.com
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◾R[̲̅ə̲̅٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅]UTION Join Us and Invest in Freedom! www.mayorgalvan.com
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◾R[̲̅ə̲̅٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅]UTION Join Us and Invest in Freedom! www.mayorgalvan.com
◾R[̲̅ə̲̅٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅]UTION Join Us and Invest in Freedom! www.mayorgalvan.com
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◾R[̲̅ə̲̅٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅]UTION Join Us and Invest in Freedom! www.mayorgalvan.com
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◾R[̲̅ə̲̅٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅]UTION Join Us and Invest in Freedom! www.mayorgalvan.com
◾R[̲̅ə̲̅٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅]UTION Join Us and Invest in Freedom! www.mayorgalvan.com
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I am a Galvanist New Age Roman Catholic Galvanism, Galvanismo, Galvanisme, Galvanismus www.mayorgalvan.com
Fuck Hillary Clinton & Ted Cruz ! Fuck the Bushes & Clintons ! I voted for Ron Paul in 2012. Fuck Rand Paul ! All these motherfuckers are White-Trash Zionist Terrorist Supporters that support billions & billions of dollars in WELFARE to the Zionist Terrorist Jewish Pig$ in Israel. Netanyahu should have been arrested and hanged years ago just like Saddam Hussein. Fuck Ted Cruz ! I was born and raised here in Houston, Texas USA AMERICA on August 27, 1956. I voted for Ted Cruz when he first ran for Senator. I will not vote for him again ! Ted Cruz is a Zionist Terrorist Supporter & Traitor to the United States of America and is not qualified to be President ! He needs to be deported back to Canada where he was born, and his father needs to be deported back to Cuba where he was born. They are carpetbagger crooks who came here to my city and brought all of their demonic infestations with them. James Partsch-Galvan (MayorGalvan) I want that god-damn fucking White-Trash Protestant Piece of Shit Murderer and Traitor to the United States of America HILLARY CLINTON arrested and put in prison where she belongs for crimes against me and my family and all the people of the United States of America. www.mayorgalvan.com Fuck the Bushes and Clintons ! All of them need to be arrested and hanged for TREA$ON against the United States of America and should have all their bank accounts frozen and all their assets confiscated. R[̲̅ə̲̅٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅]UTION Join Us and Invest in Freedom! www.mayorgalvan.com Posted: Saturday, April 18, 2015 12:11 PM http://posting.houston.backpage.com/online/classifieds/ViewAd?oid=24875177&uid=2ce51045fb4d7097489a35cac42ee1c8 Texas NORML is the state representative, as well as the Austin chapter, of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws. In addition to working on marijuana law reform, we also focus on public education and spreading awareness of the issues surrounding marijuana. Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Texas NORML's 8th Annual Texas Marijuana March TMM 2015 May 9th, Austin, TX Earth Day 2015 Inline image 1 Earth Day: Which animal are you? -- The time has come to galvanize www.mayorgalvan.com James Partsch-Galvan shared a photo you may like James Partsch-Galvan 5 mins · Edited · Allowed on Timeline April 21, 2015 Houston, Texas 77009 Moody Park Soccer/Futbol Gals Moody Park Houston, Texas 77009 April 21, 2015 Soccer/Futbol Guys und Gals of Houston, Texas USA. www.mayorgalvan.com James Partsch-Galvan shared a photo you may like James Partsch-Galvan shared a photo you may like... Today’s Beautiful Hadith is about Charity Narrated Aisha (RA): A man said to the Prophet (peace be upon him), "My mother died suddenly, and I think that if she could... image not displayed View or comment on James Partsch-Galvan's post » James Partsch-Galvan shared this with you. This notification was sent to mayorgalvan@gmail.com Upload Sign in Search • ◦ What to Watch • Best of YouTube ◦ Popular on YouTube ◦ Music ◦ Sports ◦ Gaming ◦ Education ◦ Movies ◦ TV Shows ◦ News ◦ Live ◦ Spotlight • ◦ Browse channels • Sign in now to see your channels and recommendations! Sign in Watch Queue TV Queue Watch QueueTV Queue •Remove all •Disconnect Watch Queue TV Queue __count__/__total__ Filters About 5 results Upload date •Last hour •Today •This week •This month •This year Type •Video •Channel •Playlist •Movie •Show Duration •Short (< 4 minutes) •Long (> 20 minutes) Features •4K •HD •Subtitles/CC •Creative Commons •3D •Live •Purchased •360° Sort by •Relevance •Upload date •View count •Rating Visit Google's Ad Settings to learn more about how ads are targeted or to opt out of personalized ads. 1. 1.Did you mean: Mayor Galvan 2. 24 videos Play all ◾Play now WWW.MAYORGALVAN.COM - Playlist by Galvan666 1.7:13Shiva - Amerika wake up, wake up Amerika!!! 2.4:31Yes We Can - Barack Obama Music Video ◾View full playlist (24 videos) 3. MayorGalvan - Channel by Galvan666 ◾Active 7 years ago ◾18 videos The time has come to galvanize! ◾Channel SubscribeSubscribedUnsubscribe20 4. 1:43 ◾Play next ◾Play now THE TIME HAS COME TO GALVANIZE 2007 - Duration: 1:43. by Galvan666 ◾7 years ago ◾241 views I voted for Nader/Camejo in 2004. I also voted for Nader in 2000. I believe that if the Repulican and Democratic Parties don't ... 5. 4:49 ◾Play next ◾Play now THE TIME HAS COME TO GALVANIZE 2007 - Duration: 4:49.
• Location: Houston
The time has come to galvanize www.mayorgalvan.com
James Partsch-Galvan shared a photo you may like
Guten Morgen Alles ! Slam Alaikum ! And when are they going to kill the #1 Terrorist on Planet Earth ? Netanyahu ! Netanyahu is a White-Trash Zionist Terrorist Jewish Pig Welfare-Whore Murderer & International War Criminal who is more dangerous to the USA & peace on Planet Earth than Saddam Hussein ever was. Netanyahu should have been arrested and sentenced to hang years ago just like they did to Saddam Hussein.
Today’s Beautiful Hadith is about Intentions
Narrated ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab RA reported...
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James Partsch-Galvan shared this with you. This notification was sent to mayorgalvan@gmail.com
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Guten Morgen Alles ! Slam Alaikum ! And when are they going to kill the #1 Terrorist on Planet Earth ? Netanyahu ! Netanyahu is a White-Trash Zionist Terrorist Jewish Pig Welfare-Whore Murderer & International War Criminal who is more dangerous to the USA & peace on Planet Earth than Saddam Hussein ever was. Netanyahu should have been arrested and sentenced to hang years ago just like they did to Saddam Hussein.
Today’s Beautiful Hadith is about Intentions
Narrated ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab RA reported...
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James Partsch-Galvan shared this with you. This notification was sent to mayorgalvan@gmail.com
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Guten Morgen Alles ! Slam Alaikum ! And when are they going to kill the #1 Terrorist on Planet Earth ? Netanyahu ! Netanyahu is a White-Trash Zionist Terrorist Jewish Pig Welfare-Whore Murderer & International War Criminal who is more dangerous to the USA & peace on Planet Earth than Saddam Hussein ever was. Netanyahu should have been arrested and sentenced to hang years ago just like they did to Saddam Hussein.
Today’s Beautiful Hadith is about Intentions
Narrated ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab RA reported...
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James Partsch-Galvan shared this with you. This notification was sent to mayorgalvan@gmail.com
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Guten Morgen Alles ! Slam Alaikum ! And when are they going to kill the #1 Terrorist on Planet Earth ? Netanyahu ! Netanyahu is a White-Trash Zionist Terrorist Jewish Pig Welfare-Whore Murderer & International War Criminal who is more dangerous to the USA & peace on Planet Earth than Saddam Hussein ever was. Netanyahu should have been arrested and sentenced to hang years ago just like they did to Saddam Hussein.
Today’s Beautiful Hadith is about Intentions
Narrated ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab RA reported...
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James Partsch-Galvan shared this with you. This notification was sent to mayorgalvan@gmail.com
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Guten Morgen Alles ! Slam Alaikum ! And when are they going to kill the #1 Terrorist on Planet Earth ? Netanyahu ! Netanyahu is a White-Trash Zionist Terrorist Jewish Pig Welfare-Whore Murderer & International War Criminal who is more dangerous to the USA & peace on Planet Earth than Saddam Hussein ever was. Netanyahu should have been arrested and sentenced to hang years ago just like they did to Saddam Hussein.
Today’s Beautiful Hadith is about Intentions
Narrated ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab RA reported...
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James Partsch-Galvan shared this with you. This notification was sent to mayorgalvan@gmail.com
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Guten Morgen Alles ! Slam Alaikum ! And when are they going to kill the #1 Terrorist on Planet Earth ? Netanyahu ! Netanyahu is a White-Trash Zionist Terrorist Jewish Pig Welfare-Whore Murderer & International War Criminal who is more dangerous to the USA & peace on Planet Earth than Saddam Hussein ever was. Netanyahu should have been arrested and sentenced to hang years ago just like they did to Saddam Hussein.
Today’s Beautiful Hadith is about Intentions
Narrated ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab RA reported...
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James Partsch-Galvan shared this with you. This notification was sent to mayorgalvan@gmail.com
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Guten Morgen Alles ! Slam Alaikum ! And when are they going to kill the #1 Terrorist on Planet Earth ? Netanyahu ! Netanyahu is a White-Trash Zionist Terrorist Jewish Pig Welfare-Whore Murderer & International War Criminal who is more dangerous to the USA & peace on Planet Earth than Saddam Hussein ever was. Netanyahu should have been arrested and sentenced to hang years ago just like they did to Saddam Hussein.
Today’s Beautiful Hadith is about Intentions
Narrated ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab RA reported...
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James Partsch-Galvan shared this with you. This notification was sent to mayorgalvan@gmail.com;
James Partsch-Galvan shared a photo you may like
Guten Morgen Alles ! Slam Alaikum ! And when are they going to kill the #1 Terrorist on Planet Earth ? Netanyahu ! Netanyahu is a White-Trash Zionist Terrorist Jewish Pig Welfare-Whore Murderer & International War Criminal who is more dangerous to the USA & peace on Planet Earth than Saddam Hussein ever was. Netanyahu should have been arrested and sentenced to hang years ago just like they did to Saddam Hussein.
Today’s Beautiful Hadith is about Intentions
Narrated ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab RA reported...
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James Partsch-Galvan shared this with you. This notification was sent to mayorgalvan@gmail.com
Guten Morgen Alles ! Slam Alaikum ! And when are they going to kill the #1 Terrorist on Planet Earth ? Netanyahu ! Netanyahu is a White-Trash Zionist Terrorist Jewish Pig Welfare-Whore Murderer & International War Criminal who is more dangerous to the USA & peace on Planet Earth than Saddam Hussein ever was. Netanyahu should have been arrested and sentenced to hang years ago just like they did to Saddam Hussein.
Today’s Beautiful Hadith is about Intentions
Narrated ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab RA reported: Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) said, “The deeds are considered by the intentions, and a person will get the reward according to his intention. So whoever emigrated for Allah and His Messenger, his emigration will be for Allah and His Messenger; and whoever emigrated for worldly benefits or for a woman to marry, his emigration would be for what he emigrated for." (Bukhari and Muslim)
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© Copyright 2015 Hadith of the Day Ltd. Graphics by Peter Gould.
R[̲̅ə̲̅٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅]UTION Join Us and Invest in Freedom! www.mayorgalvan.com
Posted: Wednesday, April 22, 2015 12:11 PM
◾R[̲̅ə̲̅٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅]UTION Join Us and Invest in Freedom! www.mayorgalvan.com
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◾R[̲̅ə̲̅٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅]UTION Join Us and Invest in Freedom! www.mayorgalvan.com
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◾R[̲̅ə̲̅٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅]UTION Join Us and Invest in Freedom! www.mayorgalvan.com
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◾R[̲̅ə̲̅٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅]UTION Join Us and Invest in Freedom! www.mayorgalvan.com
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◾R[̲̅ə̲̅٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅]UTION Join Us and Invest in Freedom! www.mayorgalvan.com
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◾R[̲̅ə̲̅٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅]UTION Join Us and Invest in Freedom! www.mayorgalvan.com
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◾R[̲̅ə̲̅٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅]UTION Join Us and Invest in Freedom! www.mayorgalvan.com
◾R[̲̅ə̲̅٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅]UTION Join Us and Invest in Freedom! www.mayorgalvan.com
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◾R[̲̅ə̲̅٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅]UTION Join Us and Invest in Freedom! www.mayorgalvan.com
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◾R[̲̅ə̲̅٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅]UTION Join Us and Invest in Freedom! www.mayorgalvan.com
◾R[̲̅ə̲̅٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅]UTION Join Us and Invest in Freedom! www.mayorgalvan.com
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I am a Galvanist New Age Roman Catholic Galvanism, Galvanismo, Galvanisme, Galvanismus www.mayorgalvan.com
Fuck Hillary Clinton & Ted Cruz ! Fuck the Bushes & Clintons ! I voted for Ron Paul in 2012. Fuck Rand Paul ! All these motherfuckers are White-Trash Zionist Terrorist Supporters that support billions & billions of dollars in WELFARE to the Zionist Terrorist Jewish Pig$ in Israel. Netanyahu should have been arrested and hanged years ago just like Saddam Hussein. Fuck Ted Cruz ! I was born and raised here in Houston, Texas USA AMERICA on August 27, 1956. I voted for Ted Cruz when he first ran for Senator. I will not vote for him again ! Ted Cruz is a Zionist Terrorist Supporter & Traitor to the United States of America and is not qualified to be President ! He needs to be deported back to Canada where he was born, and his father needs to be deported back to Cuba where he was born. They are carpetbagger crooks who came here to my city and brought all of their demonic infestations with them. James Partsch-Galvan (MayorGalvan) I want that god-damn fucking White-Trash Protestant Piece of Shit Murderer and Traitor to the United States of America HILLARY CLINTON arrested and put in prison where she belongs for crimes against me and my family and all the people of the United States of America. www.mayorgalvan.com Fuck the Bushes and Clintons ! All of them need to be arrested and hanged for TREA$ON against the United States of America and should have all their bank accounts frozen and all their assets confiscated. R[̲̅ə̲̅٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅]UTION Join Us and Invest in Freedom! www.mayorgalvan.com Posted: Saturday, April 18, 2015 12:11 PM http://posting.houston.backpage.com/online/classifieds/ViewAd?oid=24875177&uid=2ce51045fb4d7097489a35cac42ee1c8 Texas NORML is the state representative, as well as the Austin chapter, of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws. In addition to working on marijuana law reform, we also focus on public education and spreading awareness of the issues surrounding marijuana. Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Texas NORML's 8th Annual Texas Marijuana March TMM 2015 May 9th, Austin, TX Earth Day 2015 Inline image 1 Earth Day: Which animal are you? -- The time has come to galvanize www.mayorgalvan.com James Partsch-Galvan shared a photo you may like James Partsch-Galvan 5 mins · Edited · Allowed on Timeline April 21, 2015 Houston, Texas 77009 Moody Park Soccer/Futbol Gals Moody Park Houston, Texas 77009 April 21, 2015 Soccer/Futbol Guys und Gals of Houston, Texas USA. www.mayorgalvan.com James Partsch-Galvan shared a photo you may like James Partsch-Galvan shared a photo you may like... Today’s Beautiful Hadith is about Charity Narrated Aisha (RA): A man said to the Prophet (peace be upon him), "My mother died suddenly, and I think that if she could... image not displayed View or comment on James Partsch-Galvan's post » James Partsch-Galvan shared this with you. This notification was sent to mayorgalvan@gmail.com Upload Sign in Search • ◦ What to Watch • Best of YouTube ◦ Popular on YouTube ◦ Music ◦ Sports ◦ Gaming ◦ Education ◦ Movies ◦ TV Shows ◦ News ◦ Live ◦ Spotlight • ◦ Browse channels • Sign in now to see your channels and recommendations! Sign in Watch Queue TV Queue Watch QueueTV Queue •Remove all •Disconnect Watch Queue TV Queue __count__/__total__ Filters About 5 results Upload date •Last hour •Today •This week •This month •This year Type •Video •Channel •Playlist •Movie •Show Duration •Short (< 4 minutes) •Long (> 20 minutes) Features •4K •HD •Subtitles/CC •Creative Commons •3D •Live •Purchased •360° Sort by •Relevance •Upload date •View count •Rating Visit Google's Ad Settings to learn more about how ads are targeted or to opt out of personalized ads. 1. 1.Did you mean: Mayor Galvan 2. 24 videos Play all ◾Play now WWW.MAYORGALVAN.COM - Playlist by Galvan666 1.7:13Shiva - Amerika wake up, wake up Amerika!!! 2.4:31Yes We Can - Barack Obama Music Video ◾View full playlist (24 videos) 3. MayorGalvan - Channel by Galvan666 ◾Active 7 years ago ◾18 videos The time has come to galvanize! ◾Channel SubscribeSubscribedUnsubscribe20 4. 1:43 ◾Play next ◾Play now THE TIME HAS COME TO GALVANIZE 2007 - Duration: 1:43. by Galvan666 ◾7 years ago ◾241 views I voted for Nader/Camejo in 2004. I also voted for Nader in 2000. I believe that if the Repulican and Democratic Parties don't ... 5. 4:49 ◾Play next ◾Play now THE TIME HAS COME TO GALVANIZE 2007 - Duration: 4:49.
• Location: Houston
The time has come to galvanize www.mayorgalvan.com
James Partsch-Galvan shared a photo you may like
Guten Morgen Alles ! Slam Alaikum ! And when are they going to kill the #1 Terrorist on Planet Earth ? Netanyahu ! Netanyahu is a White-Trash Zionist Terrorist Jewish Pig Welfare-Whore Murderer & International War Criminal who is more dangerous to the USA & peace on Planet Earth than Saddam Hussein ever was. Netanyahu should have been arrested and sentenced to hang years ago just like they did to Saddam Hussein.
Today’s Beautiful Hadith is about Intentions
Narrated ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab RA reported...
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James Partsch-Galvan shared this with you. This notification was sent to mayorgalvan@gmail.com
James Partsch-Galvan shared a photo you may like
Guten Morgen Alles ! Slam Alaikum ! And when are they going to kill the #1 Terrorist on Planet Earth ? Netanyahu ! Netanyahu is a White-Trash Zionist Terrorist Jewish Pig Welfare-Whore Murderer & International War Criminal who is more dangerous to the USA & peace on Planet Earth than Saddam Hussein ever was. Netanyahu should have been arrested and sentenced to hang years ago just like they did to Saddam Hussein.
Today’s Beautiful Hadith is about Intentions
Narrated ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab RA reported...
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James Partsch-Galvan shared this with you. This notification was sent to mayorgalvan@gmail.com
James Partsch-Galvan shared a photo you may like
Guten Morgen Alles ! Slam Alaikum ! And when are they going to kill the #1 Terrorist on Planet Earth ? Netanyahu ! Netanyahu is a White-Trash Zionist Terrorist Jewish Pig Welfare-Whore Murderer & International War Criminal who is more dangerous to the USA & peace on Planet Earth than Saddam Hussein ever was. Netanyahu should have been arrested and sentenced to hang years ago just like they did to Saddam Hussein.
Today’s Beautiful Hadith is about Intentions
Narrated ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab RA reported...
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James Partsch-Galvan shared this with you. This notification was sent to mayorgalvan@gmail.com
James Partsch-Galvan shared a photo you may like
Guten Morgen Alles ! Slam Alaikum ! And when are they going to kill the #1 Terrorist on Planet Earth ? Netanyahu ! Netanyahu is a White-Trash Zionist Terrorist Jewish Pig Welfare-Whore Murderer & International War Criminal who is more dangerous to the USA & peace on Planet Earth than Saddam Hussein ever was. Netanyahu should have been arrested and sentenced to hang years ago just like they did to Saddam Hussein.
Today’s Beautiful Hadith is about Intentions
Narrated ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab RA reported...
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James Partsch-Galvan shared this with you. This notification was sent to mayorgalvan@gmail.com
James Partsch-Galvan shared a photo you may like
Guten Morgen Alles ! Slam Alaikum ! And when are they going to kill the #1 Terrorist on Planet Earth ? Netanyahu ! Netanyahu is a White-Trash Zionist Terrorist Jewish Pig Welfare-Whore Murderer & International War Criminal who is more dangerous to the USA & peace on Planet Earth than Saddam Hussein ever was. Netanyahu should have been arrested and sentenced to hang years ago just like they did to Saddam Hussein.
Today’s Beautiful Hadith is about Intentions
Narrated ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab RA reported...
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James Partsch-Galvan shared this with you. This notification was sent to mayorgalvan@gmail.com
James Partsch-Galvan shared a photo you may like
Guten Morgen Alles ! Slam Alaikum ! And when are they going to kill the #1 Terrorist on Planet Earth ? Netanyahu ! Netanyahu is a White-Trash Zionist Terrorist Jewish Pig Welfare-Whore Murderer & International War Criminal who is more dangerous to the USA & peace on Planet Earth than Saddam Hussein ever was. Netanyahu should have been arrested and sentenced to hang years ago just like they did to Saddam Hussein.
Today’s Beautiful Hadith is about Intentions
Narrated ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab RA reported...
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James Partsch-Galvan shared this with you. This notification was sent to mayorgalvan@gmail.com
James Partsch-Galvan shared a photo you may like
Guten Morgen Alles ! Slam Alaikum ! And when are they going to kill the #1 Terrorist on Planet Earth ? Netanyahu ! Netanyahu is a White-Trash Zionist Terrorist Jewish Pig Welfare-Whore Murderer & International War Criminal who is more dangerous to the USA & peace on Planet Earth than Saddam Hussein ever was. Netanyahu should have been arrested and sentenced to hang years ago just like they did to Saddam Hussein.
Today’s Beautiful Hadith is about Intentions
Narrated ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab RA reported...
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James Partsch-Galvan shared this with you. This notification was sent to mayorgalvan@gmail.com;
James Partsch-Galvan shared a photo you may like
Guten Morgen Alles ! Slam Alaikum ! And when are they going to kill the #1 Terrorist on Planet Earth ? Netanyahu ! Netanyahu is a White-Trash Zionist Terrorist Jewish Pig Welfare-Whore Murderer & International War Criminal who is more dangerous to the USA & peace on Planet Earth than Saddam Hussein ever was. Netanyahu should have been arrested and sentenced to hang years ago just like they did to Saddam Hussein.
Today’s Beautiful Hadith is about Intentions
Narrated ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab RA reported...
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