Friday, April 24, 2015

World War 3 [2015 April 30] 100% "IRAN NUCLEAR ATTACK" Illuminati Numero...

OK Y'all ! I've been uploading videos for all day over at my brother and sister-in-law's house. I also washed some clothes that I am donating and doing a million other things. I should be at my house working over there to get that place liveable like it was before I had the fire in the kitchen in 2008. It's going on 7 years since I had the fire and that place has never recovered. It has made my life difficult, but I took a negative and made it into a positive. I just hope I can hang in there a little bit longer so that I can enjoy whatever time I have left here on Planet Earth. Some people are saying that we have only one more week until April 30, 2015 when all hell is going to break loose here on Planet Earth and Russia is going to start nuking because they are sick and tired of being bullied around by the USA, Israel, and others.

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