Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Slim Thug FEAT. Paul Wall & ZRo - HOUSTON

Guten Morgen Alles ! Slam Alaikum ! I was a caller on Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis​ last night. I told Clyde that I had voted for Ted Cruz​ once only because I voted for Ron Paul​ in our Republican Texas Primary of 2012. I regret my vote for that Carpetbagger Crook who came here to my city of Houston, Texas​ and brought all his demonic infestations with him. I was born and raised here in Houston. I am Tejano​ and also Gay Houston​ Fuck Ted Cruz ! Ted Cruz's father needs to be deported back to Cuba from where he came from and Ted Cruz is not remotely qualified to be our next President of the United States​ I voted for President Obama in our Democrat Texas Primary of 2008. I am an Independent Voter who ended up voting for the Libertarian Candidate for President (Bob Barr) in November 2008 because I didn't like President Obama trusting Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton cannot be trusted just like those Bushes. Ted Cruz is a Zionist Terrorist Supporter and should be sued for TREA$ON. Ted Cruz is a disgrace and embarrassment to my city Houston, Texas. Fuck Ted Cruz & Benjamin Netanyahu - בנימין נתניהו​ Netanyahu needs to get on his knees and suck President Obama's dick and thank him for the billions & billions of WELFARE that he and the American People have given him and his Zionist Terrorist Jewish Pig$.
Those Zionist Terrorist Jewish Welfare Pig$ at Facebook still have me blocked for 30 days. Fuck Facebook ! I don't want one god-damn fucking penny of my tax dollars going to Facebook and those Racist Hypocritical Anti-American Fascist there who can't deal with the truth about Fuck Israel​

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